unia dla przedsiebiorczych

Bruk Sp. z o.o. received funding from the European Union for the purchase of a technological line to produce concrete products. Thanks to that we achieved:

  • increase in work efficiency
  • decrease in order lead times
  • increase in employment

The investment positively influenced the growth in our region.



BRUK Sp. z o.o. received funding from the European Union for the Project „Fundamental change in the overall production process of existing Bruk Company” with the actual amount of public funding allocated by UDA – POIG.04.04.00-24-065/08-00 agreement under the Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007-2013, action 4.4.
The main purpose of Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007-2013 is the development of the Polish economy on the basis of innovative enterprises. This programme is directed to, above all, entrepreneurs, who are planning to introduce and implement innovation projects, related to research and development, modern technologies and investments of major importance for the economy or development, advanced technologies, investment vital for the economy and the implementation of IT and communication.
